Publicações em destaque - ATS, Pesquisa Clínica e Avaliação Econômica em Saúde
Carregaro, Rodrigo Luiz; ROSCANI, A. N. C. P. ; RAIMUNDO, A. C. S. ; FERREIRA, L. ; VANNI, T. ; SALOMAO, M. G. ; PROBST, L. F. ; VISCONDI, J. Y. K. . Immunogenicity and safety of inactivated quadrivalent influenza vaccine compared with the trivalent vaccine for influenza infection: an overview of systematic reviews. BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES, v. 23, p. 563, 2023.
BORGES, M. M.; Custódio, Luciana A; CAVALCANTE, D. F. B.; PEREIRA, A. C.; Carregaro, Rodrigo Luiz. Direct healthcare cost of hospital admissions for chronic non-communicable diseases sensitive to primary care in the elderly. Ciencia & Saude Coletiva, v. 28, p. 231-242, 2023.
MERCEDES, B. P. C.; Silva, E.N.; Carregaro, Rodrigo Luiz; MIASSO, A. I. Economic burden of depression in Brazil: a cost-of-illness study based on productivity losses and healthcare costs between 2010 to 2018. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, p. 1-9, 2022.
Melo, Thamires Francelino Mendonça; Carregaro, Rodrigo Luiz; Araújo, WN; Silva, E.N.; TOLEDO, ALINE MARTINS DE. Custos diretos da prematuridade e fatores associados ao nascimento e condições maternas. REVISTA DE SAÚDE PÚBLICA (ONLINE), v. 56, p. 1, 2022.
SILVA, M. C. M.; Tottoli, Caroline Ribeiro; Mascarenhas, KCS; Marques, YA; TOLEDO, ALINE MARTINS DE; Carregaro, Rodrigo Luiz. Is kinesiophobia associated with disturbances in dynamic balance in individuals with chronic non-specific low back pain? Brazilian Journal of Pain, v. 5, p. 47-51, 2022.
MELO, ALYNE ARAÚJO; DE TOLEDO, ALINE MARTINS; EMILIANO, LARIÇA ; PADULA, ROSIMEIRE SIMPRINI; Carregaro, Rodrigo Luiz. Characterization of the procedures and professional practices of primary care physiotherapists in Brazil. WORK-A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, v. 73, p. 1-11, 2022.
SGANZERLA, G. ; Carregaro, Rodrigo Luiz; OLIVEIRA-JUNIOR, SILVIO ASSIS. Effectiveness of different weekly frequencies of Nordic hamstring exercise on performance and injury-associated factors in intermittent sports athletes: protocol of a randomized clinical trial. European Journal of Physiotherapy, v. ahead, p. 1, 2022.
GASPAR-JUNIOR, J. J.; DELLAGRANA, R. A.; BARBOSA, F. S. S.; ANGHINONI, A. P.; TACIRO, CHARLES; Carregaro, Rodrigo LuizMartinez PF ; OLIVEIRA-JUNIOR, SILVIO ASSIS. Efficacy of different cold-water immersion temperatures on neuromotor performance in young athletes. Life-Basel, v. 12, p. 683, 2022.
OLIVEIRA, D. B.; Marques, YA; Custódio, Luciana A; Carregaro, Rodrigo Luiz. Caracterização clínica e sociodemográfica de indivíduos com distúrbios na coluna vertebral atendidos no ambulatório de um hospital de grande porte: estudo transversal.. MOVIMENTA, v. 15, p. e20220015, 2022.
Carregaro, Rodrigo Luiz. Management of non-serious low back pain in the context of emergency care. Is it worth the cost? The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, v. 7, p. 100105, 2021.
Carregaro, Rodrigo Luiz; Tottoli, Caroline Ribeiro; Rodrigues, D; BOSMANS, J. E.; Silva, E.N.; van Tulder, Maurits. Low back pain should be considered a health and research priority in Brazil: Lost productivity and healthcare costs between 2012 to 2016. PLoS One, v. 15, p. e0230902, 2020.
BOFF, TAISE ANGELI; PASINATO, FERNANDA; BEN, ÂNGELA JORNADA; BOSMANS, JUDITH E.; van Tulder, Maurits; Carregaro, Rodrigo Luiz. Effectiveness of spinal manipulation and myofascial release compared with spinal manipulation alone on health-related outcomes in individuals with non-specific low back pain: randomized controlled trial. Physiotherapy, v. 107, p. 71-80, 2020.
FONSECA, M. V.; Figueiredo, R.M ; LIMA, R. T. F.; OLIVEIRA, A. L. S.; TOLEDO, A.M. How Has Electromyography Been Used to Assess Reaching in Infants? A Systematic Review. JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, p. 1-11, 2020.
Carregaro, Rodrigo Luiz; DA SILVA, EVERTON NUNES; van Tulder, Maurits. Direct healthcare costs of spinal disorders in Brazil. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH (ONLINE), v. 64, p. 964-975, 2019.
Tottoli, Caroline Ribeiro; van Tulder, Maurits; Silva, E.N. ; Marques, YA; Martins, WR; Carregaro, Rodrigo Luiz. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Pilates versus home-based exercises in individuals with chronic non-specific low back pain: randomised controlled trial protocol. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOTHERAPY (ONLINE), v. epub, p. 1-7, 2019.
NASCIMENTO, ANDRESSA LAGOA; TOLEDO, ALINE MARTINS; MEREY, LEILA FOERSTER; TUDELLA, Eloisa; SOARES-MARANGONI, DANIELE DE ALMEIDA. Brief reaching training with -sticky mittens- in preterm infants: Randomized controlled trial. HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE, v. 63, p. 138-147, 2019.
NERI, SILVIA GR; CARDOSO, JEFFERSON R; Cruz, Lorena; LIMA, RICARDO M; DE OLIVEIRA, RICARDO J; IVERSEN, MAURA D; Carregaro, Rodrigo L. Do virtual reality games improve mobility skills and balance measurements in community-dwelling older adults? Systematic review and meta-analysis. CLINICAL REHABILITATION, v. 31, p. 026921551769467, 2017.